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Perek 1
Softcover: 140 pages
Language: Hebrew/English
ISBN-10: 0-9966808-2-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-9966808-2-0

Perek 2- 3
Softcover: 202 pages
Language: Hebrew/English
ISBN-10: 0-9966808-1-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-9966808-1-3

Perek 4 - 5
Softcover: 200 pages
Language: Hebrew/English
ISBN-10: 0996680888
ISBN-13: 978-0-9966808-8-2

Children's Chumash Bereishis (Separate Volumes)

  • The Children’s Chumash is endorsed by mechanchim and is a comprehensive Chumash incorporating all the skills necessary to become an independent learner in a systematic way.

    • ​Comprehensive of all skills and standards built into a ready to use professional Chumash.
    • Fun, interactive and relevant. Seamless classroom teaching
    • Challenging for the brightest yet empowering for the weakest.
    • Students use skills during learning.
    • Everything prepared for the teacher.
  • Special bulk discounts available for schools through a special order form by clicking HERE.

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