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Visual Overview of Gemara
Torah Sheba'al Peh From Har Sinai Until Today
VISUAL OVERVIEW OF GEMARA - The Visual Overview of Gemara and Torah Shebaal Peh is a visual overview of the history, system and importance of Gemara and Torah Shebaal Peh. A Groundbreaking Visual Course Ready To Go. Scroll below to see the FAQs.
What exactly is the Visual Overview of Gemara and Torah Shebaal Peh?A visual overview of the history and makeup of Torah Shebaal Peh with the Gemara as the central link. The reader is shown the Gemara's importance, its origins, its system and how present day Halachah developed through the Gemara. There is an emphasis on giving the reader an appreciation of the importance of Gemara.
What does this program offer my Mekuravim/Baalei Baatim?The book describes how the Gemara was made, how it works, and how it developed afterwards until Modern Jewish Law today. The information is welll researched and presented in a unique easy to learn visual format. Your Mekuravim/Baalei Baatim will gain clarity in the system of Torah Judaism as a whole and will be impacted for years to come.
A history book on Gemara sounds interesting, but how does that help with actual Torah learning?"The Gemara and the Oral Torah don't have any instruction manuals and it can be difficult to comprehend the exact context and goings on of any given topic. Surprisingly, this applies even to the most seasoned learner. The book does cover both the history and the system, yet the history is necessary to appreciate the rules and mechanisms of the Oral Torah including Jewish law.
There is so much information packed in. Is this for beginners or for those with a background in Torah learning?The book gives beginners a solid foundation. The experienced learner is able to appreciate and reference all the information to significantly enhance their Torah learning.
How does the Visual Overview of Gemara and Torah Shebaal Peh get used in a class/group setting?Every particiapnt has a copy of the book and as the teacher moves through the pages, the information presented is a springboard for discussion. The structured presentation and clear layout help the class stay on path through the ages and stages. This unique program will no doubt be a point of reference in the long term of the lives of the participants.
How is the Visual Overview of Gemara different from the many other books and courses that have been made on this topic?The Visual Overview of Gemara is a visual walkthrough all the eras from the Sanhedrin through the Tannaim, Amoraim, Geonim, Rishonim and Acharonim. The book also explains how the Gemara was made, it's rules, and how it was received afterwards. This is a comprehensive book addressing everything one needs to know about Gemara and the Oral Torah; something exceptionally unique.
Parts of the book have illustrations. Will this appeal to my Baalei Baatim or only youth?The format is appealing to youth as that is the ideal age to begin learning this subject. Adults of all ages and levels will find the visual format eye opening and beneficial. The book contains a wealth of information and the reader is given a solid overview of the system of Torah Shebaal Peh. This doesn’t only enhance Gemara learning, but gives a better understanding of Halachah and living life as a Torah Jew.
Is this for myself, my children, or my Baalei Batim/Mekuravim and is it something to give them or to learn with them?"The book is vital for children. Adults who are learned will gain alot from this as well. The book is a great gift for your mekuravim/baalei baatim. That being said, it is used in its fullest when studied with guidance and as a base for discussion in a learning/teaching setting.
The book looks revolutionary! What spurred the creation of such an innovative book?The question has been repeatedly asked: Why is there such emphasis on Gemara and why does Jewish Law work the way it does? What is the siginficance of the Oral Torah? To do justice to these questions, the system needed to be well researched and explained with a historical backdrop; How Torah Shebaal Peh developed in stages and how Klal Yisrael was impacted with each stage. The unique history, the visual concepts and examples together with all the charts make this important subject be understood by all.
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